Municipal Court Administration

Welcome to the Delanco Municipal Court (Court ID 0309)

The next scheduled court session will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 @ 5:00pm via Zoom. Pursuant to guidelines provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts, cases will be heard virtually via Zoom unless designated as "In-Person" by the Judge of this court. If you are scheduled for an appearance via Zoom but have not received the Meeting ID and Password please email the Court Administrator, [email protected], so that a link can be emailed to you.

NJ Municipal Courts Opening Statement

Tips for attending a Virtual Court Session

Attending Municipal Court remotely, what to do and what to expect

If you currently have a case scheduled in the Delanco Municipal Court and would like to attempt to resolve your matter without attending the court session your case may be eligible for you to enter your Plea by Mail. Please contact the Court Administrator for more information. If you receive the court's voicemail, please leave a message, speak clearly, state your full name, callback number, case number (if known) or email the Court Administrator.

Another alternative to appearing before the court is the new Online Municipal Case Resolution which can be accessed through Your case may be eligible to enter your plea online for Prosecutor Review/Recommendation, please visit the website for more information and to find out if your case is eligible. 

For online payments on all matters please visit If you are unsure of your Ticket or Complaint number, prefix, year, or license plate number, please select "Municipal Court Case Search," this will enable you to search the Judiciary statewide database to find your case and all of the information you'll need to make a payment online, including older cases. You may also contact the Court Administrator for assistance.

Payments can also be made in-person at the Delanco Municipal Court office (please call for hours), by mail to Delanco Municipal Court, 770 Coopertown Road, Delanco, NJ 08075, or left in our secure drop box located across from the front door of the municipal building (payments must be sealed in an envelope and clearly marked "Municipal Court" with your name, case number and a call back number). Delanco Municipal Court does not accept payments over the phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

I never received notice of my court date because I moved, what can I do?

It is your obligation to keep the court informed of updates to your contact information at all times including email address, phone number and mailing address. The court will reschedule your case once you contact us but sanctions may apply for missed court appearances.

How can I apply for the Public Defender?

Requests to apply for the services of the Public Defender can be made in court directly to the Judge. Determinations of eligibility are based on income and severity of potential penalties.

Can you recommend an attorney?

No, the Municipal Court staff is not permitted to give recommendations for counsel.

Can you tell me how I should proceed with my cases?

The Municipal Court staff is not permitted to give legal advice or counsel.

My license is suspended; can you tell me how I can get it back?

Delanco Municipal Court staff can assist you with your Delanco charge and obligations to the Delanco Municipal Court only. NJ Motor Vehicle Commission is a separate entity from the Judiciary. The number for the NJMVC Suspension Unit is 609-292-7500, to speak to a representative and determine specifically what is affecting your license.

I need to postpone my case, what can I do?

Please contact the Court Administrator as early as possible when requesting a postponement.

I posted bail money, when will it be returned?

Bail will be held with the case until the case is disposed of by the Judge. Bail money will be immediately processed following disposition. Please be sure to keep the Court updated with address changes.

I was hoping to plead to a lesser charge, how can I do this?

You must enter a not guilty plea and your case will then be scheduled for court during which you will be afforded the opportunity to speak to the Prosecutor.

What is "Discovery" and how do I get it?

Discovery is a legal term that relates to the process of the exchange of information of relevant documents or evidence. Discovery is not provided by the Municipal Court. Discovery is provided by the prosecution, specifically for Delanco, via the police department (856-461-0537).

How many points will this charge accrue on my license?

NJ MVC is a separate entity from the NJ Judiciary and the Delanco Municipal Court. For informational purposes only, following is the link to the NJMVC Point Schedule:

How much is the fine for my ticket?

Fines vary for different statutes. Prices for payable violations can be found on the NJ Statewide Violations Bureau Schedule: Fines, costs and penalties for cases that are heard in Court are assessed at the discretion of the Judge based on New Jersey Court standards and approved sentencing guidelines. 




The Honorable Corey E. Ahart

Certified Municipal Court Administrator

Jennifer Esposito

Phone: (856) 461-0181

Fax: (856) 764-0984


Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:30AM to 1:00PM.



2024 Court Dates:

January 17, 2024 - 5:00PM

February 21, 2024 - 5:00PM

March 20, 2024 - 5:00PM

April 17, 2024 - 5:00PM

May 15, 2024 - 5:00PM

June 19, 2024 - 5:00PM

July 17, 2024 - 5:00PM

August 21, 2024 - 5:00PM

September 18, 2024 - 5:00PM

October 16, 2024 - 5:00P

November 20, 2024 - 5:00PM

December 18, 2024 - 5:00PM