Delanco History Board
The Delanco History Board was created by a resolution of the Delanco Township Committee on April 4, 2005 and operates under Chapter 29 of the Delanco Municipal Code.
- Create and inventory of historic sites within the municipality and gather information with regard to their historic character.
- Recommend and prioritize historic sites for potential acquisition within the municipality, whether through the recently adopted open space tax approved by the voters or other funding.
- Recommend any lesser means of preservation that may be instituted to ensure the continuation of historic sites.
- Promote the history of Delanco Township and its historic sites.
The Delanco history Board maintains an archive of print and electronic images, documents and artifacts for preservation and display
- Delanco History Board members are Delanco residents appointed by Township Committee.
- Associate members are welcome – Delanco residency is not a requirement.
- We are affiliated with Friends of Delanco History, a virtual and informal Facebook group, coordinated via email, catering to those with an interest in the history of our town and region. It is also affiliated with Burlington County Historians.
Monthly meetings of the Delanco History Board are generally held on the First Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Music Room of Zurbrugg Mansion, 531 Delaware Avenue. Meeting formats and locations may vary. Associates and guests are invited to attend and participate. Please refer to the Community Calendar for details.
Public Historic Displays, Publications and Events
Delanco Municipal Building Lobby & Court Room -- 770 Coopertown Road, Delanco
Monday through Thursday - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm; Friday - 8:30 am to 12:30pm
Also open to the public the third Saturday of each month from 1-3pm
Dobbins United Methodist Church -- 320 Union Avenue, Delanco
Open during Church hours
Zurbrugg Mansion Library -- 531 Delaware Avenue, Delanco
Open by appointment
Publications on various topics are available in the Delanco Municipal Building lobby and select businesses, and can be accessed online by clicking here.
Join us for informal discussions on Facebook at "You Know You're From Delanco When..." https;//
Delanco History Board often engages in educational programs in cooperation with nearby historical groups such as Riverside, Riverfront Delran and is affiliated with Burlington County Historians. We also display at local events such as Community Day and Memorial Day Parades.
For questions about Delanco History Board activities, to offer items for the Delanco archive, to inquire about membership appointments, or for inclusion on the Friends of Delanco History distribution list, contact:
Peter Fritz, DHB Chair
303 Union Avenue, Delanco NJ 08075
609-760-7746 or email to [email protected]
Click here to visit the Delanco History Resources page.
For those on Facebook, please visit the informal on-line discussion groups:
"You Know You're From Delanco When . . . " and "Burlington County Historians"
Contact Information
John Nardone
Fern Ouellette
Vice Chair
Peter Fritz
Ron Naylor
Fern Ouellette
Liaison to Township Committee
Liaison to Joint Land Use Board
Alma Jordan, Peter Fritz, John Nardone
Other Members:
Joann Donnelly, Shirley Rossi
Monica Ogden, Mary Ellen Davison