Meet Your Township Committee    

Township Committee

Carolyn Suess     Telephone: 856-461-0561 Ext. 275
Mayor       Email 

Kate Fitzpatrick Telephone: 856-461-0561 Ext. 271
Deputy Mayor Email

Matt Bartlett       Telephone: 856-461-0561 Ext. 400
Committeeman Email

Phil McFadden        Telephone: 856-461-0561 Ext. 288
Committeeman        Email

Fern Ouellette Telephone: 856-461-0561 Ext. 401


The Township Committee is the township's governing body. This elective body is responsible for formulating policies, approving the annual budget and enacting ordinances and resolutions to provide a legislative framework. Beginning in 2002 the Township Committee increased to a five-member committee. This increase in the Committee was approved by the voters in the 2000 General Election. The Township Committee consists of a mayor, deputy mayor and three committee members.

The Township Committee usually meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00PM and again for a work session the third Monday of each month at 7:00PM. The meeting dates are included on the monthly calendar. Click here for Meeting Schedules. 

Meetings take place at the Municipal Building, 770 Coopertown Road, Delanco, New Jersey.  Click here for the Agenda page.

Click on the link below for a list of township committee members and their respective committees/boards.