Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement plays a major role in preserving the attractive appearance of neighborhoods in Delanco Township. The mission of Code Enforcement is to provide fair and comprehensive enforcement of Township Codes and Local Ordinances which include Property Maintenance, Unregistered Vehicles, Lawns and Landscaping and Zoning Enforcement.

The Township of Delanco encourages its citizens to become community minded. You are encouraged to get to know your neighborhood and meet your neighbors. By working together we can provide and maintain attractive, clean and safe neighborhoods.

Citizens are also encouraged to cooperate with one another in a friendly manner to resolve minor concerns before contacting Code Enforcement for assistance.

The purpose of this Citizen's Guide to Code Enforcement is to acquaint residents of the community with Delanco Township Code information that can help keep our neighborhoods both safer and visually appealing. This guide contains only general information, for specific Code information please contact our office at (856) 461-0561 ext 276. Our Code Book is now available online. Click on 'Delanco Township Code' at left and use the search bar to find a particular topic.

Property Maintenance Code

The Property Maintenance Code applies to residential housing and nonresidential establishments. It establishes the minimum standards for basic heating, water, lighting, ventilation, electrical, and plumbing. The code also regulates health, general welfare and safety issues.

Residents with property maintenance complaints should follow a simple process:

1) Submit complaint or request for repair to their property manager, landlord, or owner.

2) Maintain a written record of actions taken and responses received. Upon failure of the property manager, landlord, or owner to (abate) make corrective actions within a reasonable amount of time;

3) Contact Code Enforcement at (856) 461-0561, ext. 230


It is unlawful to park or store *unregistered, inoperable, dismantled or wrecked vehicles outdoors on private property.

* No unregistered, inoperable, dismantled or wrecked vehicles are permitted on private property.

An inoperable vehicle is any motorized or not motorized vehicle that cannot safely and lawfully move in its present condition.

Weeds and Plant Growth

Owners and occupants must cut and remove weeds or collections of cuttings, clippings or other grasses, brush, tree limbs, branches or similar debris.

Weeds include:

Any plant which ordinarily grows without cultivation, is not grown for landscaping, slope stabilization, drainage control or food production purposes. Grass or weeds over ten (10) inches in height

Zoning Enforcement

  • Illegal uses and structures
  • Signs
  • Fences and walls
  • Off street parking
  • Landscaping and screening
  • Sight visibility at intersections
  • Home businesses

We thank everyone for their efforts, contributions and cooperation for helping to keep Delanco Township safe, attractive and a pleasant place to work and reside.

Delanco Township
Code Enforcement

Contact Information

Code Enforcement Inspector/Zoning Official
Ed Ruggiano

Phone: (856) 461-0561  ext 230



Monday & Wednesday: 8:30 to 11:00AM of call Code Enforcement Admin Asst. at 856-461-0561 ext 261