8/13/2012 - Burlington County Sheriff's Department Senior Citizen's Police Academy

The Shefiff;s Department offers a 6-week (1 afternoon per week) "Senior Citizen's Police Academy", to help seniors learn important lessons to make them safer and less likely to become a victim of crime.
Seniors are also given a tour of the Public Safety Center facilities which include: Central Communications (who dispatch all police, fire & medical first responders), Emergency Operations Center, ploice firing range and the police F.A.T.S. (firearms training simulator) system.

A graduation ceremony takes place with photos, refreshments and a congratulations cake.
The classes will be held at:

Delanco Township Municipal Building
Municipal Meeting (Court) Room
770 Coopertown Road
Delanco, New Jersey 08075

October 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
November 1st and 8th
1:00pm to 3:00pm

For information, please call 609-265-3788, or email [email protected]