2/7/2025 - PSE&G is Prepared for Back to Back Winter Storms

PSE&G is Prepared for Back to Back Winter Storms

 PSE&G is committed to working safely and quickly to restore any potential power outages and encourages customers to know how to stay in touch with the utility during a storm

 (Newark, NJ – February 6, 2025) PSE&G is prepared for the winter weather producing  freezing rain and light snow today, as well as the snow expected this weekend and again next week. Snow and ice can bring hazards that disrupt power. We are ready to respond to all potential power outages and handle increased requests to repair heating systems for our customers.

 We encourage customers to take the time to prepare (pseg.com/StormSafety) ahead of a weather event – including knowing how to report an outage before it happens and how to stay safe and connected to PSE&G during winter weather.

 “Safety of our customers and crews is a top priority and we’re monitoring the weather systems closely,” said Dave Johnson, senior vice president and chief customer experience officer, PSE&G. “We are ready to respond as weather conditions permit. Our crews will work 24x7 to restore service as safely and as quickly as possible.”

 We remind customers that they are responsible for providing safe access to premises for a PSE&G service call, including keeping walkways and driveways clear of snow and ice. Also, keep outside gas meters clear of snow and ice to avoid blocking a regulator vent. Be careful when removing snow around the meters; any damage to the gas meter could create a leak hazard. 

 PSE&G is prepared

 In advance of the cold weather, PSE&G crews performed system and logistics checks to ensure the availability of critical materials, fuel and other supplies to fulfill our commitment to bring customers safe and reliable service regardless of weather conditions. We also have additional crews scheduled to support customers requesting repairs to heating systems. 

 Stay connected

  • Know how to report a power outage. Our outage tools help you stay connected during an outage by sharing valuable information and status updates.  
  •  Visit PSE&G’s Outage Map for the latest outage updates, restoration times and crew locations across New Jersey at pseg.com/outagecenter

 Stay safe

 Downed power lines can be extremely dangerous.

  •  Downed wires should always be considered “live.” Stay at least 30 feet away from downed lines, and don’t go near the pole or anything touching the line. Immediately contact PSE&G at 1-800-436-PSEG (7734), via our mobile app or on our website to report downed wires and dial 911 if an immediate hazard exists.
  •  Electric current passes easily through water, so stay away from downed power lines and electrical wires. Don't drive over – and don't stand near – downed power lines.
  •  Downed wires can potentially be hidden in standing water and snow. If you encounter large pools of standing water, stop, back up and choose another path.

 If you have a power generator, be sure to keep the following in mind:

  •  Always operate your generator according to the directions in the owner's manual. If you no longer have the manual, you may be able to find it online by searching for the make and model number of your generator.
  •  Never use a generator or other fuel-powered machines inside. Generators can produce 100 times more carbon monoxide (CO) than a car. Hazardous CO fumes are odorless and can quickly overwhelm you in minutes if a generator is used indoors, even with doors and windows open. This includes outbuildings like sheds or garages.
  •  Keep the generator at least 20 feet away from doors, windows and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come indoors. If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak while using a generator, get fresh air RIGHT AWAY - DO NOT DELAY.
  •  Install CO alarms in central locations on every level of your home to provide early warning of accumulating carbon monoxide.

 Prepare yourself and your home

 Create an emergency kit:

  • Get a battery-powered radio, alarm clock, flashlights and extra batteries.
  • Stock up on bottled water and nonperishable food.
  • Include a hand-operated can opener.
  • Visit the American Red Cross website for ideas on what to include in a basic kit.

Prepare for power outages:

  • In the winter, keep a pile of blankets handy.
  • If your home has a fireplace, clean the chimney of debris and stock firewood.
  • Charge your phones, tablets, power backups and other mobile devices.
  • If you have a landline, ensure you have a corded phone. Cordless phones don’t work when the power is out.
  • If your mobile phone service provides a “hotspot” for areas without internet access, learn how to use it.
  • Know how to open your garage door without electricity.
  • Know how to reset your home’s security system when power returns.
  • Plan where and how you would evacuate.
  Additional tips include:
  •  Since gas appliances tend to be used more in winter, it’s particularly important to monitor carbon monoxide levels in your home. Watch these Facts from the Field video tips on getting a carbon monoxide detector and the best way to use your detector. Also, to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, do not run any gasoline-powered generators in a garage or any other enclosed space.
  •  When it snows, keep any high-efficiency furnace pipes on the outside of your home clear of snow – otherwise, you may inadvertently allow carbon monoxide to build up in your home. Also, clear chimneys and vents for other gas appliances.
  •  Snow and ice can damage gas meters and piping. Be careful when removing snow from around the gas meter; any damage to the gas meter could potentially create a possible leak hazard.
  •  Use a broom to keep the gas meter, pressure regulator, and vent piping clear of snow and ice during the winter season.
  •  Chimneys and vents should be protected using an approved cap or screen to keep small animals or insects from entering. These pests have been known to build nests inside chimneys or vents and can cause potentially hazardous conditions.
  •  Inspect and clean dryer vents to ensure they are clear of debris, lint and condensation, which can become a fire hazard especially in the winter when drying heavier clothing and bedding.
  •  If you’re installing new gas appliances, change the connectors as well to prevent leaks and use safer, more modern materials.
  •  Do not store propane tanks or any other highly flammable gas/liquid in your home, as they can become extremely hazardous in the event of a fire.