Have you thought about home composting but were unsure how to start? The Delanco Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) will present "Composting: From Garbage to Garden!" a talk, discussion and demonstration about home composting on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The talk will take place at the Delanco Public Library from 11am to 1pm. Registration at www.delancolibrary.org is requested. Light refreshments will be served. You do not need to be a Delanco resident to participate!
Burlington County Master Gardeners will present a program on what composting is, how it works, the different methods of composting, how to get started and uses for your end product. There will also be a demonstration of the different compost bins and containers. Benefits of composting include free fertilizer for your yard and garden and reduction of landfill volume. But that's not all! Join us on Earth Day, April 22, 2023 at 11am at the Delanco Public Library. Pre-registration is requested at www.delancolibrary.org.
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