The Delanco Township Police Department has launched a new Community
Information Service designed to deliver important and timely information to the residents in our area using the latest technology.
This service, Nixle, delivers trustworthy and important neighborhood-level public safety and community event notifications instantly sent to you by cell phone text message, email, and the web. There is NO Spam or Advertising.
Nixle is completely free (standard text message rates may apply for cell phone subscribers who do not have text plans with their cell phone providers).
The service is simple to use, reliable, and trusted.
Register now and learn more at Then, send out a welcome email to all of your family, friends and neighbors and suggest they register for this valuable service also.
Stay connected to your world, from the public safety alerts that are relevant to you, to the important neighborhood advisories you want to know about, and other valuable community information. You decide what information you want and whether you want it sent to your cell phone, email, or just simply over the web.
We are very excited to have you experience it for yourself.