Delanco Township Visioning Meeting
January 25, 2022 at 7 PM via Zoom
Delanco Township and 11 other municipalities worked with the Delaware County Bridge Commission to prepare the Route 130/Delaware River Corridor Strategic Plan. The plan was developed to assist the 12 municipalities in the Corridor achieve their economic development goals and has been a driving force to direct State funding to the Region. The plan is now due to be updated and a visioning meeting has been scheduled for January 25 at 7 PM. This will be a facilitated workshop for the public to brainstorm, gather ideas and reach consensus on desirable visions for what the community should be like in 20 years. Below are links to the documents that have been prepared as part of this process as well as to the Zoom meeting login information.
Route 130 Corridor Study Visioning Meeting Notice (Includes Zoom sign-on information)
Route 130 Corridor Study Workshop Notes
Route 130 Municipal Questionnaire - 10/29/2021 Version Final
Assessment Report August 2021