We continue to monitor the County website for a make-up day for Recycling. As of Wednesday, June 16th, we have not yet been assigned a make-up day.
Please click here to read a letter from Burlington County Board of County Commissioners, Director Felicia Hopson.
Curbside Recycling Collections Will Be Delayed by Several Days for All Municipalities.
A national truck driver shortage is impacting trash and recycling collectors, including the County’s recycling contractor, the Occupational Training Center (OTC). The OTC is working aggressively to solve this problem, but recycling pickup will be delayed for the several weeks.
At this time a Makeup Day for Delanco has not been confirmed. We will update you as soon as we are notified. For further information, please follow this link to the Burlington County website: http://co.burlington.nj.us/civicalerts.aspx?AID=1597