8/4/2020 - Voter Registration Info

Who Can Register to Vote

Any person may register to vote who is:

  • A United States citizen
  • I am at least 17 years old, and understand that I may not vote until reaching the age of 18.
  • A resident of the county for 30 days before the election
  • You are NOT currently serving a sentence, probation or parole because of a felony conviction

Deadlines for Registering

You may register to vote at any time, but to be eligible to vote in a particular election, you must be registered 21 days prior to that election. All registration forms postmarked on the 21st day preceding that election will be accepted. (NJSA 19:31-6.1, 19:31-6.3)

Voter Registration Deadline is October 13, 2020 for General Election (21 days before election) 


How & Where to Register

To register, a person must fill out a Voter Registration Application (PDF) (a Spanish version (PDF) is available), and send to:

Burlington County Superintendent of Elections
50 Rancocas Road, 2nd floor
P.O. Box 6000
Mount Holly, NJ 08060

Voter registrations are maintained by the County Commissioner of Registration. You may register in person at that office, use the above referenced form, register at your municipal clerk's office, or at any one of the following state offices:

New Jersey Division of Elections


Burlington County, NJ - Election Board


Voter Registration Forms (English & Spanish) (pdf) - Burlington County



Verify Your Voter Registration - New Jersey Division of Elections
