Attention Delanco Residents . . . Would you like to help your town while staying up to date on the latest recycling news and alerts?
There is a FREE and easy way for you to do both that could earn FREE recycling carts for our town.*
Burlington County is currently running a contest to increase the number of RecycleCoach™ users and the first towns that reach the user goal increase will receive free recycling carts, while funds last. Delanco’s goal is for 90 additional residents to download the app by September 15th.
All you need to do is download the FREE RecycleCoach™ app—available from the App Store and Google Play—to your smart phone and recycle coach will do the rest. Don’t have a smart phone? No problem! Simply click here to sign up to receive alerts on your laptop or PC.
Time is of the essence so please download the app today and tell your neighbors and friends to help out too! Please call 856-461-0561 ext 255 if you have questions.
*(Recycling carts will be placed in Township’s cart inventory and distributed to residents as needed.)
Click here for contest flier.